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It is unusual for the death of a ninety-six-year-old woman in declining health to create a tsunami of shock around the world. But it is a testament to the steadfastness and constancy of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II over seven decades of dedicated public service that the announcement of her passing on the evening of September 8th was met...
On 6th of February, historian Justin Robinson attended a struck-on-the-day event like no other, an event that made numismatic history! Justin proudly gave this speech to mark this momentous occasion.
On the anniversary of the passing of Princess Diana, the nation mourns the life of one of the most iconic and influential women the world has ever known. Never will we know another like Diana, and without her, the world will always be just that little bit worse off.
12th May 1937 Following the death of King George V in January 1936, perhaps the greatest royal crisis occurred, when the newly-crowned King Edward VIII proposed marriage to American socialite and former divorcee, Wallis Simpson. In an era where divorce was strictly frowned upon, Edward had to make the decision to either end his relationship, or...
On Friday 8 th September 2017, Prince Charles will become the longest serving Prince of Wales in British history.
The London Mint Office Royal Platinum Wedding Anniversary Coin On November 20 th 2017 Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Phillip will celebrate their Platinum wedding anniversary, the longest Royal marriage in British history. Her Majesty the Queen described Prince Phillip as her “strength & stay” throughout the last 70 years. The royal couple have...
On the 21 st of April, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her 92 nd Birthday, and will have reigned for 24,182 days. Britain’s longest reigning monarch has been fortunate to see 3 generations of her own family born – the latest addition of course is due any day now. She has shared weekly audiences with no less than 13 Prime Ministers,...
This year on June 9th the country will celebrate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Official Birthday, a royal tradition which spans back centuries to 1748 when King George II who was born in November longed for a grand celebration with good weather, and so he decided to have a 2nd birthday celebration during the summer time- And so the tradition...
